Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ensphere Family Events: July-December 2015

This year's events have been a BIG hit, so we are happy to announce our upcoming season of events for Ensphere families (and guests)!

We've heard your requests, and this season's events will include, among others:
Join us at these events and more to make sure you have everything you need for a successful college journey. We believe successful college planning involves identifying a career path, picking the right college, graduating on time, and having a written plan for funding college. Our family events are designed to support you in each step along the way.
Check out our calendar (click here) for information on upcoming events for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors! 

What have families been saying about our events?

Very informative. - Janet K.

Great session. Extremely helpful. - Karl S.

I would like to take the time to thank Erin for an absolutely flawless presentation last week. From content to delivery, I was so impressed with her enthusiasm and knowledge of her subject. I find working with Erin a true joy! – Monette S.

Content very helpful and worthwhile. - Cindy H.

 Nice job. Informative, to the point, and helpful. - Kim M.

Great presentation today! - Monica K.

Very helpful. - Ciara H.

I just wanted to take a minute and give credit where credit is due. You did a fantastic job tonight, Erin, in giving the presentation, "What are Your Chances?". I, along with my son and daughter, found the information presented not only very informative but very helpful as well. My daughter said, she wishes she could have known the information she learned tonight back when she was a freshman in high school as a motivator. I told her "I've been telling you all along." She said, "I know Mom, but no offense, but coming from you isn't the same and is kind of like nagging, but hearing it from someone else in the industry is motivating." Anyway, great job Erin! My kids have been trying to do their best, but I think they're feeling a little more flame under their butts after tonight to do even better if they can. Thanks again! – Joan S.


To save your spot at an event, please email or call (724) 745-0305.
If you know of any friends or neighbors who might benefit from the Ensphere experience, you can reply to this email or click here, and we'll extend an invitation.
We'll see many of you in the coming months!
Erin, Director of Student Services

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