Monday, October 27, 2014

Strategic Thinkers vs. Non-Strategic Thinkers: Telling One From the Other

If you were interviewing potential College Planning/Funding clients, do you think you could tell the difference? Which ones were aware they were facing an incredibly huge emotional and financial dilemma, were also willing to listen to carefully crafted written advice from industry leaders, with tons of experience, credentials, business savvy—and which ones were not?

There are many ways to do this, and this blog will help you determine who is and who isn’t a Strategic Thinker. Next, you will see two characteristics of the Strategic and the Non-Strategic Thinker. I have kept both of these bullet points on my computer for years. They have helped me determine where to put our firm’s best efforts and who to avoid like the plague. This may seem a little harsh, but over the years using this method has saved us time, money and heartache. I have rarely been disappointed with the process.  

Let’s take a look at what I call the Strategic indicators. This list contains markers for those prospective clients who will achieve incredible success, be fun to work with and accomplish most of their family’s goals. Next, look at the second group: those families who will always second guess your advice, be the smartest ones in the room, and will ultimately blame you and your firm for their errors and missteps.

As you review this chart, think of some of your friends and fellow workers who embody these traits. I bet you can see their reactions to great advice. They will be continually skeptical, even if they are paying for the guidance. A few of these bullets really speak volumes of a person’s ability to think strategically.

After thousands of family interviews, it takes only about 10 minutes of talking with the first prospective client member to find out if he/she is Strategic. How they view themselves, how they treat others, how they manage their family assignments, and how they will follow a successful dynamic College Planning/Funding Plan.

The big takeaway here after years of publishing this conceptual theory is that the Strategic Thinking family will be and is much more emotionally and financially successful than the Non-Strategic Thinking family. The Non-Strategic Thinking family will grumble continually and make the same mistakes over and over again. They will bad-mouth excellent advice, have no alternative plan and eventually tell no one the real financial mess they have created.   

As with most theories, by definition, none of us are 100% in one camp or the other. However, understanding what works and what doesn’t can often at least send us in the right direction.

And one final word of advice from somebody who knew a thing or two about Strategic Thinking and leadership:

“Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential.” - Winston Churchill

Mike Giffin, President

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